Determining the order of threads
Q.--" I created five(5) thread instances,say "1","2","3","4","5" and start all of them at the same time,one after the other. The priorities for the threads are same.what should be done so that the threads run concurrently in the same order,i.e1,2,3,4,5(Is there any way at all)"?
Synchronization in Java
When We should use Synchronization in Java and when we should not?
ToString function
What is the default value for toString() in java? Explain me with an example?
MVC architecture
what is the difference between MVC1 & MVC2 in Java?
Adding Method in Java
I have interface in that interface 3 methods are there , after some days client said that,i want to add one more method in that interface ,so how can add 4 method so that the implemented class did not affect,
Kalins Naik
How Treeset implementation maintains unique elements in it?
How an Treeset maintains the unique element? Which algorithm does it use?
What is the advantages over doing the same using the Arraylist manually? -
Inner Class
Can we decalre java inner class as private and protected?
If yes....please explain
If No....please explain -
Platform Independence
Why platform independence is needed in real world ?
JVM uses which one of these to save hashcode,Hashtable or HashMap or HashSet??
Please answer my question....
Is it possible to override the main method in Java?
If yes then how?
When does the String Literal pool gets cleared?
In one java class I have created this string String s1 = "abc";Now if I again use this same statement in a different java class, ie;String s2 = "abc";Will I get the same reference for "abc" in both the classes.
Abstract class and interfaces
Where should we use exactly abstract class and interfaces?
Core Java Interview Questions