Object Class Methods
Why wait() and notify() are used only for threads, why not to objects?
Serialization Process
Explain the use of serialization process in real time projects?
Exception on finalize ()?
If Exception occurs in finalize() what happened to garbage collector? It will run or not? Explain
How synchronization can be done for multithreading environment without using the "synchronized" keyword?
Abstract Class or Method
Can we make use of "this" keyword reference inside a abstract method or abstract class? Explain
Inherit Super Class Without Extends Statement
If Object is the super class of all classes, how it is inherited without extends statement?
Run the Tomcat Server
Hi, Is it possible to run the 2 tomcat servers simultaneously with different ports.Some times it's working. some times its not running,Anybody can help me to solve this problem.Thxregards'Punitha.R
Is it possible to serialize a single member in a class?
suppose i have 2 members in my class can i serialize a single member? Is there any way to do that?
Core Java Interview Questions