Query multiples
You are given an array arr with indices numbered from 1 to N.
You will be given Q queries of the form i X. This query means, consider all arr[i], arr[i+1], .. arr[N] and, among these numbers, output the number of multiples of X.
First line consists of two integers; N and Q.
Next Q lines consist of one query, as described in the problem statement. -
OOPs Interface
Why interfaces is needed in Java?
Core Java and Java
What are differences between Core Java and Java?
Why String is used as key value in HashMap?
While defining HashMap why String is used as key value over other object values?
How switch from new tab to old tab ?
How switch from new tab to old tab and is this possible to use Applet and Swings in selenium?
What is the difference b/w 2d array and hashmap?Where we have to use this?Explain ?
Thanks in advance -
Generating ppt through java
I am trying to generate ppt through Java using Apache POI API. I am able to create table, bulleted text etc using this API. Please answer the following two questions, if anyone is aware of this. 1. How to split text across two slides, if the row had to be broken across 2 slides because the row is so big that it can only be accommodated in 2 slide ? 2. How to re-size table cell , if the text...
Why Map is not include in Collection in Java?
Means, Map is a pert of Collection framework but not included in Collection....only List, Set and Queue are included ....Why?
Core Java Interview Questions