Retreive data from 2 tables
I have 2 tables. Table A and Table B. I want to display all the rows from both the tables. can anyone help me on this??
How to change the column name by using ALTER?
I Tried by giving......................... ALTER table table name rename column tocolumn name was changed but it's not giving entire table with altered column name.It's giving only the altered column.
How to get the First name,second name,Third name ?
I have a column in a table with names.Now i want to select that names like first name,second and third.I/p like this----- names Chandu Kannaka prasad Rama krishna Kiran kumar Kora Balaji Chandra sekhar pottaO/p I want------ Firstname Secondname Thirdname ...
How to get number of days using SQL ?
I have table .. like
1 you 1-jan-2011
2 Me 28-jan-2011
tel me the query for no.of days different from.. two dates of column DOB.?
Thanks in advance.
Sateesh -
SQL to retrieve the 5th record only
My Question is :
I have one table , from this table I have 1000 records. Particularly I need retrieve the 5th record only.
no need retrieve 1 to 4th only 5th record only I need retrieve by using SQL Query? -
Retrieve all columns except 1 in a table.
I have a table with 20 columns and I have to retrieve 19 except one.
Is there any way easier then giving
SELECT Col1,Col2,Col3,..........Col19 from table1. -
Count Records
I have following table as books101 BOOK_NO BOOK_NAME AUTHOR_NAME COST CATEGORY1234 C Dennis 450 System1235 Oracle Loni 550 Database1236 Sql Loni 250 Database1237 Pl/Sql Scott 750 Database Now I want to List all the authors and book name that has more then 1 book written by them.pls help
How To Copy Data From One Table to Another Table Having Data
If i have two table T1 having data of column C1,C2,C3 and C4 and T2 having data of column C5,C6,C7 and C8,How to copy Data of T2 to T1 or T1 to T2
How we enter a new column in middle of our old columns?
I want to add a new column in our table and i already have 4 column in table i want that my column should be added at 3rd position not in last position ..
SQL Interview Questions