How to get the First name,second name,Third name ?

I have a column in a table with names.Now i want to select that names like first name,second and third.

I/p like this----- names
Kannaka prasad
Rama krishna
Kiran kumar Kora
Chandra sekhar potta
O/p I want------ Firstname Secondname Thirdname
kanaka Prasad
Rama Krishna
Kiran Kumar Kora
Chandra Sekhar Potta

Questions by chandra.pc

Showing Answers 1 - 16 of 16 Answers


  • Jun 6th, 2008

select firstname||' '||secondname||' '||thirdname from tablename;

Here "||" is the concatenation operatot so names and space is concatenated.

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  • Jun 10th, 2008

A simple select of first name, second name, third name should display in that order since some of the rows have second and third name as null.

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SELECT SUBSTR('first second third',0,INSTR('first second third',' ', 1, 1))
FROM dual;
output: 'first         '

SELECT SUBSTR('first second third',
              INSTR('first second third',' ', 1, 1)+1,
              INSTR('first second third',' ',1,2)-INSTR('first second third',' ',1,1)-1)
FROM dual;
output: ' Second'

SELECT SUBSTR('first second third',
              INSTR('first second third',' ', 1, 2)+1,
              INSTR('first second third',' ',1,2)-INSTR('first second third',' ',1,1)-1)
FROM dual;
Output:'third     '

Combine above 3 queries into a select statement as follows to get desired output of 3 names in 3 seperate columns
Select substr query1, substr query2, substr query3 from dual;



  • Jun 6th, 2011

I am guessing you are looking for initcap function which are as follows:

select initcap(first_name||' '||second_name||' '||third_name) from employees;

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