Update a Table using Multiple Join Conditions
There is three tables Customer, order and order details.
Customer and order linked with cust_id, order and order_details connected with order_id.
How a column(total_order) in customer to be updated from order_details. -
How to retrieve uncommon fields from two different tables?
How can i retrieve uncommon fields from two different tables along with the data??? say i have table A and table B and Tbl A has x,y,z fields and Tbl B has x,a,b fields and i have to retrieve y,z,a,b fields from two tables along with the data.
Write a query for split one column to multiple columns
I have a source table with one column of 15 characters and I want output like divide the 15 chars column into multiple of 3 columns like every column 5 chars
source empnoorderprdct target empno order prdct -
Correlated Sub Query
Compose an SQL statement to show a list of two least expensive vendors (suppliers) for each raw material. In the result table, show Material ID, Material Description, Vendor ID, Vendor Name, and Supplier’s unit price. Sort the result table by Material_ID and unit price in ascending order. Note: if a raw material has only one supplier(vendor), that vendor should also be in the result (output) table...
SQL Query to convert single row from multiple tables into single row in a table
I have a scenario like Have 7 tables. All these 7 tables have same metadata structure and also all have 2 columns. In that, One column is same in all 7 tables (Joining column, But not a primary column) and another column has different values.
Below have a example for 2 tables. How can we achieve for 7 tables?
loc_name mem_name
HYD ... -
Query to Get Highest Marks Output
Question: student marks stable "sp_report"
sid maths chem phy engl
1 33 45 54 48
2 55 32 50 37
3 10 20 30 40
The required o/p is (SQL QUERY TO GET THE BELOW O/P)
sid highest_marks
1 54
2 55
3 40
Display Employee SELECT SQL Query
Display employees who are IT_prog and salary is greater than 3000 and department is not equal to 80 and having the manager as 103
Materialised View
What is difference between a table and a materialised view, a view and a materialised view?
What is mean by TCL, What are its commands?
Get Numeric Values only using SQL ?
I have table with one column. type varchar..
i want to get numeric values.. i mean my output will be
thanks in advance..
SateeshDifference Between Impicit Index and Explicit Cursor
If an implicit index is created when we create a primary key, then what is the need of explicit cursor?
Findout the Least Null Values column and print out that column records ?
I `ve 1 table with 3 colums A,B,C
1 3 5
4 null 6
8 2 null
null 1 null
null null 9
5 null 6
3 5 7
null null 3
Display the employee details who joined before 5 days.
Write a query to display the employee details who joined before 5 days.
Ascending Order and Descending Order Query
How to write a query to list the items in ascending order of Name and within Name, in descending order of Salary
Removing duplicacy
How to delete duplicate records without using rownum/rowid concept?
How to insert a column in middle order?
Hi,i have 1 table contain 2 column if i add a new column it default stored in last column but my recruitment adding the new column in middle of the order so can any one explain
Index Organized Table (IOT)
What is the use Index Organized Table (IOT)?