Database Attach and Restore
What is the Difference between Attach and Restore of a Database?
Tail Log Backup
What is tail log backup? Where can we use it?
Assign Deny Permissions to Specific User
How to deny insert, update, delete, update permissions for a specific user of a specific user database?
Connection of SQL file to web page
How we can pulish the connectivity of SQL query to the HTML file or web page? Please Explain.
Nested Trigger Levels
How many levels a trigger can be nested? Explain about nested triggers.
Optimisation and Performance
How optimisation and Performance in Sql Server 2000 can be achieved?What are the steps involved?
Efficient way of Committing transactions
If I have 10 statements, individually committing each statement is efficient or doing a bulk commit of all the 10 statements at the end is efficient.Also if we say one of them is efficient... is it efficient in space or time or cpu?Thanks,rbala_sjsu
SQL Server backup error
Error While creating BACKUP:I am Creating FullBackup for one database Named Postings.I executed below Query and i am getting The Below error message.USE mastergoEXEC SP_ADDUMPDEVICE 'disk','PostingsBac','E:BACKUPPostingsBac.BAK'BACKUP DATABASE Postings TO PostingsBacERROR:'Device Created'One Row Effected.Server: Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 1Cannot open backup device 'PostingsBac'. Device error...
What is XMLA in SQL Server 2005
I would like to know whether it uses SOAP or XML.
SQL Server data in XML Format
How to display the table data in XML format using SQL Server.
SQL Server Interview Questions