What is Cardinality? What are the different types of Cardinality? How will you define Cardinality to outer join, left join, right join, inner join, fact to fact and dimension to dimesion?
Difference between Database and Datawarehouse
What are the difference between a database and data warehouse?
Parameter file in mapping
How to create parameter file and how to use in a mapping and workflow? Explaon with eg
Where exactly do you use XML, XSLT, X-PATH, X-QUERY & BPEL
SOA & Web Services
How you differentiate between SOA & Web Services?
Time Dimension Building
How to Build Time Dimenion in Datawarehousing?
OLAP tools and Reporting tools
What is the difference between OLAP tools and reporting tools?
Look Up Tables
What are lookup tables? Why they are used? Where they are used?
Dimensional Model for Internet Sales
How to prepare dimensional model for internet sales?What are the business requirements for internet marketing/sales/
Session log, Task and Workflow Manager
What is a Session log, task in Informatica.
What is the work of Session log and workflow manager. -
Deploy report
How to deploy the report in Report Studio?
Meta Data and Data Dictionary
What are the differences between Meta Data and Data Dictionary?
Create Parameters in Concurrent Program
How to create parameters in concurrent program for "HOST" executable type
Clustering and Sampling
What is the difference between Clustering and Sampling
Data Warehousing Interview Questions
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