1).briefly state different between data ware house & data mart?2).How are u going to consolidate customer infromation in dataware house from the three different back end OLTP applications?3).What is meta data?

Showing Answers 1 - 17 of 17 Answers


  • Aug 22nd, 2006

1) Dataware house is made up of many datamarts. DWH contain many subject areas. but data mart focuses on one subject area generally. e.g. If there will be DHW of bank then there can be one data mart for accounts, one for Loans etc. This is high level definitions.

3) Metadata is data about data. e.g. if in data mart we are receving any file. then metadata will contain information like how many columns, file is fix width/elimted, ordering of fileds, dataypes of field etc..

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  • Aug 26th, 2006

 Dataware house is made up of many datamarts. DWH contain many subject areas

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  • Aug 26th, 2006

i have only knowledge of server jobs.i dont have any knowledge of parallel jobs .am i suitable to apply for jobs on datastage

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  • Aug 26th, 2006

in real time what type of jobs are widely used in datastage.is it server jobs or parrallel jobs.

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  • Sep 24th, 2006

Datamarts are subset of Datawarehouse.

Datamarts are departmental datawarehouse, whereas datawarehouse is enterprise datawarehouse.

In bottom up approach of DWH, central metadata repository is created and datamarts are built with that...

There are two types of Datamarts

1. Dependent Datamart

2. Independent Datamart


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  • Oct 25th, 2006

datawarehouse: intergrated,relevant  data(subject oriented) from different sources  are put together to a data base for business decisions. these data is appended as time goes by keeping historical data (of a certain time period). this kind of a db is a datawarehouse..( u have to imagine a big concern). this warehouse will have data about the entire business.

datamart : its like a datawarehouse for a particular department. hence they contain data relating to that dept only.

u can bring data from these sources thru native drives or other methods and clean the data(profile, analyse etc) transform them if needed and load to the dw.

meta data is data about data...eg this is wer the data is , col def of the table, it contains primitive data types etc..

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1) Data warehouse is a collection of datamarts. Where data marts contains the data about the single module. The data of all the datamarts(all the modules data) is data warehousing.

2) By an ETL transformations we can consolidate the customer information in data warehouse from three backend PLTP applications or flat files or any database files.

3) Metadata is data about the data...i.e., Metadata is about controlling the quality of data entering the data stream.

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1. Data Mart is a Subset of Datawarehouse, In an Companies Different Dept Reffered as Datamart Ex; Accounts, Management, Training...etc

2. A Collection Of Datamart is Called Datawarehouse.

3. Data About the Data or Information About the Data is Called Metadata.

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  • Feb 4th, 2008

1)  Difference Between Data Warehouse & Data Mart

In Simple Terms

Data warehouse : is a SUBJECT - ORIENTED, TIME VARIENT, NON-VOLATILE, INTEGRATED Collection of Data, In Support of Management & Business Decision Process. Data Warehouse tends to start from an analysis of what data already exists and how it can be collected in such a way that the data can be used later.

Data Mart: Is a Subset of Data warehouse. Like Data warehouse Data Mart contains a snapshot of the Operational Data that help business People to Strategize. Data Mart is a Data repository that may or may not derive from a data warehouse. Data Mart tends to be tactical and aimed at meeting immediate business need.

2) How to Consolidate Customer Information in Data warehouse from three different OLTP Applications?

Any Information can be consolidated into Data warehouse provided there exists Primary Key & Foreign Key RelationShip.
Basic Customer Information Consists of : Customer ID/Number ( Unique ) , Customer Name ( First Name - Last Name) , Customer Location ( Location Hierarchy) , Etc Etc.

Here We can Refer Consolidation as a JOIN .
JOINING is a very important function that is used in Relational Database Management Systems. And a Key Feature used in Data Warehouse.

Therefore Using JOINS , Primary & Foreign Key relationship.
Any number of Tables can be Joined from any OLTP systems.

3) What is Meta Data?

Meta Data is Data about the Data or Its called Master Data.

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