How do you start a workflow from one server to another server
I want to start a workflow from one server to another server. It means,upto now In UNIX Server i have all the scripts and in the same server only we are storing the Infomatica Repositories, hence to start that workflow iam using "pmcmd" command. Now i am getting a situation where this Repositories will reside in another server. Now Basis on that i want Built a script. Can any one Help me. Get back...
What is aggregate cache in aggregator transforamtion?
The aggregator stores data in the aggregate cache until it completes aggregate calculations.When u run a session that uses an aggregator transformation,the informatica server creates index and data caches in memory to process the transformation.If the informatica server requires more space,it stores overflow values in cache files.
What is update strategy transformation ?
This transformation is used to maintain the history data or just most recent changes in to target table.
What r the mapping paramaters and maping variables?
Maping parameter represents a constant value that U can define before running a session.A mapping parameter retains the same value throughout the entire session. When u use the maping parameter ,U declare and use the parameter in a maping or maplet.Then define the value of parameter in a parameter file for the session. Unlike a mapping parameter,a maping variable represents a value that can change...
Can we use LEFT OUTER JOIN in SQL query override with SAMPLE key word?
Can we use LEFT OUTER JOIN (ANSI SQL standard) in SQ query override with SAMPLE key word?(help me my dba used same in a mapping which have 5 rel SRCS from a single db and contain expression -- directed to TGT)
Informatica Interview Questions