Import Mapping
How to import mapping from one repository to another repository?
Aggregator transformation
How does sorted input works in aggregator transformation
Parameter file
How to create parameter file and how to use it in a mapping explain with example
Cached Lookup and an Uncached Lookup
What is the difference between using a cached lookup and an uncached lookup?
DTM Buffer Size Default Buffer Blocksize
What is DTM buffer size, Default buffer blocksize. If any performance issue happens to session, which one we have to increase and which one we have decrease.
Convert date format in Informatica
I have a requirement to convert date format.my requirement is as followsi hav date column in my source.my source data in date columnv_date10-11-200619-aug-199925-dec-05null11-5-05like thismy requirement is,it has to send me the output as dd-mon-yyyy like 26-nov-2006.if in v_date column required format is not there it has to convert it the correct format,if the record is in the correct format it has...
PMF_15001 Failed to write to file error
The reason behind the failure of session is PMF_15001 Failed to write to file there may not be enough space left on the device.Means there is some problem in cache directory space.Please suggest me how I can handle this situation without increasing the disk space.
Calculate max value of a column
How to calculate max value of a column without using aggregrator transformation?
Target Load Order
Explain What is Target Load Order?
What is the use of transformations in informatica mapping for particular target port?
Can anyone tell me , How to understand the use of transformations in informatica mapping for particular target port?
What r the settiings that u use to cofigure the joiner transformation?
Master and detail source Type of join Condition of the join
Informatica Interview Questions