Update Strategy
In which situation do we use update strategy?
Load Last 3 Records using Parameter File
How to load top/last 3 record using parameter file in Informatica?
Duplicate Records
If 5 records are there in source, how will you make 10 in targets (double the number of records in source, duplicate source records)?
Load 1 crore records into 3 different targets having 25 L records in each?
I have 1 crore record in my table and I have to load 25 Lakh in 1st target, 25L in 2nd target and 25L in 3rd target? How to load 1 crore records into 3 different targets having 25 L records in each?
Joiner Data and Index Cache
Assuming that the Master Pipeline has 5 fields, two of which are part of the join condition and that all fields are connected downstream to the next transformation, how many fields are in the index and data cache files?
1) 5 fields are in the index cache and 3 are in the data cache.
2) 2 fields are in the index cache and 3 fields are in the data cache.
Informatica grid
What is meant by informatica grid? what are the component of informatica grid?
Convert Date Format
How to convert date format 09-aug-79 to 08-09-1979? I am not able to convert it into 1979 in my case it gives me either 0079 or 2079.
Transaction Control Transformation
My source records have nulls. How to create dynamic file name?
How to only last 100 records from a flatfile?
Thru informatica how we can load only last 100 records.
Dynamic Cache
What is main difference between dynamic lkp and static lkp with example? Performance wise which one is better?
Flat File Source
I am new to Informatica and learning it, Can anybody please tell me how we receive source as flat file in informatica? From where we get this flat file?
Unique Joiner Transformation
If both source have same rows, same number of columns and no duplicate which one should be choosen to be master in joiner trasnformation
Join Two Tables
How to join two tables when there is no matching colomns? What is the approch?
Performace tunning of session and workflow
How to tune the session,workflow for better perfomance,what are the things we consider for better performace?
Informatica Interview Questions