When do u use a unconnected lookup and connected lookup....what is the difference between dynamic and static lookup...y and when do v use these types of lookups ( ie...dynamic and static )

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  • Jul 21st, 2006

If I am not wrong, we use
Connected lookup to lookup only once and Unconnected to avoid multiple lookups of same table
Dynamic lookup cahe,you can insert rows as you pass to target. Static lookup cache can not be  inserted or updated


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  • Jul 24th, 2006

in static lookup cache, you cache all the lookup data at the starting of the session. in dynamic lookup cache, you go and query the database to get the lookup value for each record which needs the lookup. static lookup cache adds to the session run time....but it saves time as informatica does not need to connect to your databse every time it needs to lookup. depending on how many rows in your mapping needs a lookup, you can decide on this...also remember that static lookup eats up space...so remember to select only those columns which are needed

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  • Sep 14th, 2006

two trans are there one is connected and unconnected

we can use connected where we require multiple ports is this situation

we can use unconncted  where we require single  port insted of using multiple

ports if u are using multiple ports instead of single port performance will discrease.


  • Sep 23rd, 2006


If u dont mine please if u know the answer then give other wise dont give the answer. please dont misguide the people who is getting the knowledge by reading this questions. i am sorry to say thing please.

There is a lot of difference between look up and dynamic look up.

by default look up uses static cashe. we can change to dynamic cashe also. then what is advantage is if it is static cashe we can only compare where as dynamic cashe we can modify the data also.


  • Oct 30th, 2006

there are many difference

in connected lookup we can get the input values thru pipeline.but in unConnected we may get the input thru LKP_expression only.

While using con. lkp we can return more than one value,but in un con. lkp we can return only one vale

if there is no match in lookup condition it returns default value in conn.lkp and null value in Unconn. lkp

we can specify default value in conn.lkp but in unconn we cant

we can use both satic and dynamic cache in connected lookup,but in unconn.lkp we use only Static cache

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Apart from the answers above here is the difference between Static and Dynamic Cache.

Static cache is created when the Lookup transformation is encountered for the first time. If this cache is set to be persisted, the mappings/transformations following this first instance of lookup transformation use the same cache.

The same is the case with Dynamic cache. Additionally, the mappings/transformatios following the first instance can update or insert new rows in the cache, depening on the setting done for lookup transformation.

The persistent cache (static or dynamic) can be shared across mappings/workflows/folders. If the cache is shared in the same mapping, you CAN use static cache (depending on the flow). But if the cache is shared across mappings/folders it's better to use dynamic caches, as it will always have the cache updated.

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  • Mar 17th, 2016

Connected Lookup is nothing but it connects to source and target. It can receive multiple inputs returns multiple output.

Unconnected Lookup connects either source or target. It takes multiple inputs but returns single output.

Thank You

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