Fetching last row from a particular column of sequential file
how to fetch the last row from a particular column.. Input file may be sequential file...
What is the purpose of the copy stage:
What is the uses of the copy stage with out copies input link to output link datasetsand it can have any purposes pls send me with example
No of processors in DataStage
How do we know the no of processors in a job? Is there any specific calculation for this.
Job running slow
Job1 is running for 10 minutes for the first time and the same job1 is running for 15 minutes for the second time ,the load being the same for both.Could someone explain.. -
Dimension Modelling types along with their significance
Data Modelling is Broadly classified into 2 types. a) E-R Diagrams (Entity - Relatioships). b) Dimensional Modelling.
What is the size of your database ?
Please answer this question
Datastage 8.1
In datastage 8.1 What is the limit of the file size? Is there limit from # of rows and # of field perspective for file extract to be fed in profile stage
Dataset in UNIX
How to see the data in the Dataset in UNIX. What command we have to use to see the data in Dataset in UNIX?
Diff between userdefined environment variables and parameter sets
Hi all, pls let me know the purpose of using User defined environment variables and parameters sets
Sequential File Stage
If are given a list of .txt files and asked to read only the first 3 files using seq file stage. How will you do it?
Transformer Stage Functions
If you have Numerical+Characters data in the source, how will you load only Character data to the target? Which functions will you use in Transformer stage?
Conditional load of records in Datastage
Source has sequential file stage in 10 records and move to transformer stage it has one output link 2 records and reject link has 5 records ? But i want remaining 3 records how to capture
Sequencer Scenario
Scenario- if suppose we have 3 jobs in sequencer, while running if job1 is failed then we have to run job2 and job 3 ,how we can run? plz ans this thanks in advance
Join and Lookup Stage
If you have a huge volume of data to be referenced, which stage will you use? Join or Lookup stage? Why
DataStage Interview Questions