Sequential File Stage

If are given a list of .txt files and asked to read only the first 3 files using seq file stage. How will you do it?

Questions by srikanth.ds   answers by srikanth.ds

Showing Answers 1 - 3 of 3 Answers

To read given number of files, one can use follow below steps:
1. In the sequential file stage, Use Read Method as Specific File(s).
2. Now in the file text field, Put below command.
`ls <File Path>/<File Pattern>* | head -<Number of files to be read>`

This will read given number of files.

For example, I had 5 files, with similar pattern (as date*.txt), in working folder say "/data/working/". If we want to read three files out of these five files, one can use following command:
`ls /data/working/date*.txt | head -3`

Hope this helps.


In sequential file we can take a single file byusing the file as Specifyed file.

But we can take the more than one file use File Pattern with different file names.

Metadata must be same.

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  • Nov 16th, 2012

In sequential file we can take a single file by using the file as Specified file.

But we can take the more than one file use File Pattern with different file names.

Metadata must be same.

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