Minimum Number of Input and Output for Lookup
What is the minimum number of input and output required for Lookup ?
Handle Rejects in Transformer
How to handle rejects in Transformer & How many rejects a xfm support?
Where do you use Link-Partitioner and Link-Collector ?
Link Partitioner - Used for partitioning the data.Link Collector - Used for collecting the partitioned data.
Track Source File name in Target File
I have 5 source files. In target I need to write it into a single file. But in the output file I need the corresponding input file name i.e which records are coming from which source file. How to achieve this?
Dsjob run command in Unix platform
We are using below command in Unix to run a Datastage Job:
dsjob run mode project_name job_name
When we are executing the above command in Unix what exactly it returns? -
Load a date field value from sequencial file to databse table with out using Transformer
I have an input file in below format
Name DOB
------ ------
A 10-05-1990
B 07-12-2000
Q1 -> How we will load the above file data into a target data base table in a simplest method without using Transformer ?
Q2 -> How will load the Date column into 3 splitted columns(DD|MM|YYYY). Like below
Name DOB
------ ------- -
Split the Input Columns into Different Target
I have a source file having 4 columns. How can I store first 2 columns values into one target and the next 2 columns values into another target? Can anyone suggest me here how can I achieve this using Copy stage and without using Copy Stage?
Change the Configuration file during Run-time
Can we change the configuration file during run time? If then how?
Generate the Occurrence Number in Output File
How to generate the occurrence no in out put file for the respective no of records in input file
I need a count in the target file how many times the same record is available in input file.
20 B Y
10 A X
20 B Y
30 C Z
10 A X
10 A X
20 B Y
20 B ... -
Which table will load first - Fact or Dimension Table?
In Data warehouse which table will load first and why? Fact or Dimension?
Implement Bulk Collect methodology in Datastage
We are using Bulk Collect methodology in Database to load the bunch of records at a time.How we will implement the same operation in Datastage. If my source having millions of records, I want to load the bunch of records in to target at a time. How?
Separate the Records with Special Characters
How will you separate the records with special characters in a column. For example
If suppose the column contains
I need to separate these records alone. -
Giving occurances
can anyone pls solve in datastage.........
source column is..
........want output columns(2 cols) as.........
A 1
A 2
B 1
B 2
B 3
C 1
C 2
D 1
Which Case you will go for star schema and snow flake schema
In your project Which Case you will go for star schema designing and which Case you will go for snow flake schema designing?
Project Data Model
Basically which data model do we use in the project?
Sequential file with Duplicate Records
A sequential file has 8 records with one column, below are the values in the column separated by space,1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6In a parallel job after reading the sequential file 2 more sequential files should be created, one with duplicate records and the other without duplicates.File 1 records separated by space: 1 1 2 2File 2 records separated by space: 3 4 5 6How will you do it
Generate Surrogate Key in Database
How we will generate Surrogate Key in Database not in Datastage.
Store Rejected Record
In join stage how we will store the rejected record in one file?
Identify Header, Detail and Trailer Records
Identify Header, Detail and Trailer records in the incoming file and verifying whether trailer count is equal to total number of detail records.
My input is
Header Columnname
Detail row 1
Detail row 2
Detail row 3
Trailer 3
Here I want to see whether total number of detail records is equal to total number of trailer record.
If so proceed... -
I would like to have output as like this 101 90 next line 102 65 next line 102 55 etc...
11. Find The Output With out PIVOTE stage
Source File: Target
101, 70, 80, 90 101, 70
102, 65, 55, 75 101, 80
101, 90
102, 65
102, 55
102, 75
DataStage Interview Questions