Retrieve Hash File
How to retrieve hash file data from administrator command?
Datastage Parallel Process
How do you make a simple job which reads data from Oracle database and write into a sequential file run in parallel?Since reading of data from database is sequential and sequential file also works sequentially.
What for exactly fileset is used?
Job Sequences with Restart Ability
How to do job sequences with restart ability?
What is the utility you use to schedule the jobs on a UNIX server other than using Ascential Director?
Use crontab utility along with dsexecute() function along with proper parameters passed.
Job Schedule
How to schedule jobs in UNIX Server?
Incremental Loading
How to do incremental loading in datastage?
Job Sequence
How to create Job Sequence?
Setting up of node
How do we set up nodes in Datastage?
Rename Jobs
How will you rename all of the jobs to support your new File-naming conventions?
Parallel Processing
How does config file help in Parallel processing?
DataStage Interview Questions