Nodes Types
What are the types of nodes in datastage?
Flat File Header and Footer
Does flatfile contain header & footer?How to remove Header & Footer from a flatfile before extracting the data?What information header & footer contains?
Host name specified is not valid, or the host is not responding
I downloaded data stage at my home pc. when iam trying to open data stage administrator datastage designer or datastage director it showing me an error like "host name specified is not valid, or the host is not responding(81011). could any body can help me out how can i get host name, user name and password, because i didn't mention any host name, username or password while installing the software.
Datastage versions difference
What is the difference between datastage 7.1 & 8.0.1 versions ?
Convert Date in Modify Stage
How to convert date format from dd/mm/yyyy to yyyy/mm/dd in modify stage?
Sequential File Stage Duplicates
How to remove duplicates through only sequential file stage?
Convert Column into Rows
How to convert columns into rows without using Pivot node?
Data Stage Language
What is the Language of Data Stage?
Calculation Without using Aggregator
How to calculate Sum, Averages, Minimum, Maximum salaries of an employee without using Aggregator stage in datastage?
Job Unlock
How to unlock a locked job in Datastage 8.0?
Data Validations
What various validations do you perform on the data after extraction?
Target Size
What is the normal size of data warehouse in a project?
Dataset Parallel Jobs Performance
Will the performance improve by using dataset in parallel jobs? How?
Aggregator Stage Hash Partition
How will the performance improve by using Hash partition in Aggregator stage?
DataStage Interview Questions