Copy of File in GDE
How we can make N number (say 50) copies of a file in GDE without using replicate?
How to convert rows into columns and column into rows in abinitio
I have a scenario:
Input file
Col1 col2
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
and desired output should be like below:
col1 1 2 3 4
col2 A B C D
Could you please help
.rec File Not Created
In which scenario, .rec files will not get created even if graph fails? How to use in Abinitio graph?
Global and Local Parameters
What is the difference between global and local parameters
Nullable and Not Nullable Tables
If Input table is nullable and output table is not nullable then will the output table allow null values?
Generic Graph
What is Generic Graph? Explain with an example?
Parameter Definition Language (PDL)
What is PDL? Explain with an example?
Identify DML Impacted Objects
If a DML is changed, how to find out the impacted objects using a command?
Delete a Record from Multifile
How to delete a record from a multifile?
Find Corrupted Record in a Multi File
How to find corrupted record in multifile?
How to convert rows into columns and column into rows in abinitio?
I have a scenario:
Input file
Col1 col2
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
and desired output should be like below:
col1 1 2 3 4
col2 A B C D
Could you please help
If I will pass Null key to Join components, then what will be output?
If I am having two table- customer and transaction. I am having 100 rows and 10 columns and I want to perform the join with NULL key, then how much output records I will get?
Sorting Alphanumeric Values
I have fields like a10 b20 c123
If we give numeric value (any number) as key in sort component, what would be the expected result?
Do we get a sorted order? or Does the sort component spits an error?
Data Loading Table Mode
If data is still loading into table what mode will you use to see the data?
Find Corrupted Record in Multifile
How to find a corrupted record in Multi file and how to correct the data if you know the correct value?
Abinitio Interview Questions