Using Partition components
i having 1000 records in in0 file.
i want first 250 records into out0 file,
next 250 (250 to 500)records into out1 file,
next 250(500 to 750) records into out2 file,
last 250(750 to 1000) records into out3 file using partition components? -
3 Way join with different column names.
I have 3 files each having 2 cols
empid deptid
1 100
2 200
3 200
4 100
5 300
empid salary
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40 -
Abinitio developer role
what is a Framework in abinitio all about? Can anybody explain me in detail about what an abinitio developer in general does in his job?
Join on partitioned flow
If I have 2 files containing field file1(A,B,C) and file2(A,B,D), if we partition both the files on key A using partition by key and pass the output to join component, if the join key is (A,B) will it join or not and WHY?
How to write the script in Abinitio by using unix?
Graph Parameters
How can you set the parameters to call the graphs?
Abinitio Graph Phasing and Checkpoints
What is phasing & checkpointing? What is the use ?
Header details and trailer validation for multi file
my requirement
header contains - business date
details contains - reccords
trailler contains - total no of records in detail.
1) header , detail , trailer separation with indicator filed ( conditional dml with indicator field )
2)Comparing header with business date , if not match fail. ( using lookup with date function)
3)comparing the record count of... -
Creating Dynamic .pset
Hi Guys,
I have a requirement :
We need to design a graph for transition of some files. The details like filename, parameter_id (unique) we need to get from a table in DB and these should be included in the graph pset one at a time. That means for every unique parameter_id graph should run once.
Like we can have the parameter_id as the Job_name for the graph. -
Difference between m_mkfs and m_touch
What is the difference between m_mkfs and m_touch.
Both create a MFS how do they differ ?
Also what is the syntax for creating MFS using m_touch -
Broadcasting partition
On which parameter based broadcasting partition distribute the records to the outputs?
Abinitio Interview Questions