Fixed Priced Project Agile Practice
How agile practice can be utilized in fixed priced project?
Implementation project
What is implementation project and what are the stages involve in it ?
Difference between computer architecture, structure, and organization
Please explain difference among the three terms
Need help with negative test scenario.
Verizon has bundle choice of 3 products with $25 discount=123 for 3 products purchased there is a total of 5 products High speed internet, cable, VOIP, cell phone, LAN line. each are $50 so if you purchase 3 for 125 then add 2 cost is 200... Here is the problem I need example of negative case of if customer orders 5 products? description has been verify if $25 discount apply to 5 products do I need...
How to differentiate the websites of different technologies!!!!
Hello Guys,
I must really appreciate you all. I was so shocked to check the knowledge of people on this website.
they are so deep and so much focused well done guys.
I just have one simple question, if anyone can help.
I know the difference of programming languages such as java, net, php, etc.I just want to know, from the end users view, what a end user faces a trouble... -
Iterative vs spiral testing
What is the basic difference between Iterative and Spiral testing?
Load controller connection to Load generator
In LoadRunner, Controller is installed on one machine and Load generator is installed on another machine, how load controller is connected to Load generator?
Multiple test plans
Do we have multiple test plans for every version of software release?
About Sharepoint
What are the roles and responsibilities of SharePoint Developer, SharePoint Consultant, SharePoint Architect, SharePoint Administrator, SharePoint Specialist, SharePoint Business Analyst, SharePoint Designer, SharePoint Project Manager, SharePoint System Administrator?
Client Server Methodology
Any application Web based or Window based can have a Client Server architect???Please explain and how a window based application have client server architect???
Reference Variable
What is the reference variable? How can we use in program writing. How does it execute?
Sample Code to use Application Adapter
Can You give some sample code to use in Application Adapter[ccf]?
C7 signaling
State the functions of each layer in C7 signaling system?
Ordered sequence of 4 unique alphabets
Generate an ordered sequence of 4 unique alphabets, where an ordered sequence is one which is arranged in ascending alphabetic order.Eg. Ordered : ABCD, BCHU, KRXZUnordered : DCBA, BNMA
SOA Implementation
What is SOA?What are the shortcomings of an SOA implementation?How can a service bus [e.g. ALSB] impact the performance of a 3 tier SOA implementation?
Which technology is better for a real time financial application?
My application scenario is to get data from various servers across the network and display that data in segregated format using a very user friendly GUI.The application is a financial application of real time importance.Please if any one can give their inputs on which technology will be better for developing this application (JAVA or .NET).The application should give:- high performance (less turn-around...
Object-Orientation Concepts Interview Questions
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