Delete Entire Linked List
How to delete a entire linked list?
ROM Image
Define ROM image and explain each section of a ROM image in an exemplary system?
Response Time
How to calculate response time in Client-Server technology?
Improve Hard Disk Transfer Rate
How to increase transfer rate of an hard disk?
Vertical and Horizontal Cluster
What are the advantages & disadvantages of vertical cluster & horizontal cluster? Which is the best? Why?
Static Storage Class
Give one real time application where static variables are used.
Non volatile memory
73 The term "non volatile memory" states 1. that memory is retained in the memory unit for some time even after power failure to the memory unit 2. that memory is lost by power failure but regained as soon as power is restored 3. that memory is retained in the memory unit at higher temperature 4. that memory is retained in the memory unit for years after...
Object-Orientation Concepts Interview Questions
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