Offset Address
What is offset address in microprocessor?
Shortest Remaining Time First Scheduling
What are the disadvantages of shortest remaining time first scheduling?
Draw the pinout & functional block diagram?
Give the pinout & functional block diagram with the parts and controls.
Design an iterative algorithm to traverse a binary tree represented in two dimensional matrix.
Push and Pop on Dequeue
please help me how to do this ????
write down a algorithms for push as well as pop on dequeue? -
Implementation of De-Queue
please help me to do this program ;
thanks .....
write down a complete programming code for implementing De-Queue? -
UNIX Shell script
write a shell script to merge contents of file F1 with the input provided from the keyboard and dtore the sorted output in the file SORTEDFILE
Main usage
main();// stack overflow should happen but i got a green color output screen why?
} -
What will happen to the users that are already connected to the database when (Alter system enable restricted session;) command is fired in the database.
What will happen to the users that are already connected to the database when (Alter system enable restricted session;) command is fired in the database. Will the users stay connected or the session for the users will expire ??
What is the basic structure of a computer memory?
Public Metrics
What is public metrics in Software? Give any three examples
Using March Tests to Test SRAMs
Why read and write operations in SRAMs is having test time in March Test?
Conversion of assembly language code to C language
Looking out solutions for converting assembly language codes to C language. Please suggest if any leads. Any firmware, freeware, tool etc
Micro Processor Interview Questions