What is the basic structure of a computer memory?
Why does processor mode in cpsr in avr have 5 bits although we have 7 modes which we can define in 3 bits ?
What will happen to the users that are already connected to the database when (Alter system enable restricted session;) command is fired in the database.
What will happen to the users that are already connected to the database when (Alter system enable restricted session;) command is fired in the database. Will the users stay connected or the session for the users will expire ??
UNIX Shell script
write a shell script to merge contents of file F1 with the input provided from the keyboard and dtore the sorted output in the file SORTEDFILE
Implementation of De-Queue
please help me to do this program ;
thanks .....
write down a complete programming code for implementing De-Queue? -
Push and Pop on Dequeue
please help me how to do this ????
write down a algorithms for push as well as pop on dequeue? -
What is the difference between PHYSICAL ADDRESS & LOGICAL ADDRESS during memory addressing or accessing?
Design an iterative algorithm to traverse a binary tree represented in two dimensional matrix.
Serial Link of 64 kbps
How much time does a serial link of 64 Kbps take to transmit a picture with 540 pixels.
Micro Processor Interview Questions