Location of LA (Ligtining arrestor)
Where do we locate lightining arrestor in transmission line?
Voltage Source
What would happen if two voltage sources of different magnitude are connect in parallel?
Open Rotor Conductors
What happens with squirrel induction machines if the ends of rotor conductors are kept open?
22 KV Cables
What are the maximum number of joints you can make in a (3x300mm, 22KV) cable over +/- 610m?
Cable Selection
What is the max current rating for a 4 core * 1mm^2 cable?
Stray Capacitance
What is Stray Capacitance?
Purpose of Earthing
What purpose does an earth serve on a generator terminals if the generator was started accidentally.This a true incident when the generator was started it blew the earth wire because the terminals were shorted and then earthed to ground. What is the point of earthing if it cannot save the generator or the personnel.
Form Factor
What is the link between Voltage and Form Factor?
Specific Gravity of Fully Charged Lead Acid Battery
What is the Specific Gravity of Fully charged Lead Acid Batteries?
Alternator capacity
Is it possible to increase the capacity of a synchronous generator upto 30% to 50% just to modify the cooling system but the other component remain same? Explain
Belt Weigh Feeders
What is the caliberation procedure and its requirement of belt weigh feeders?
Power House
Describe briefly about key functions of Utility and Power House.
Capacitor Banks
What is the best method to connect two capacitor bank?
Circuit dynamics
How do we solve for poles and zeros in a circuit dynamics
Power Factor
What is Power Factor? How it is calculated?
Reactive Power Relation with Alternator
How reactive power is related to alternator? Wheather it is generated or consumed? Explain
Calculate Voltage Drop
How to calculate voltage drop in cables?
Direct Current for Transformer
What happens when a transformer is supplied with direct current?
Electrical Engineering Interview Questions