Explain the operation of a transistor

Questions by Venkata Narasimhan   answers by Venkata Narasimhan

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Generally there are three mode of transistor operation .
1. Common emmiter
2. Common collector.
3. Common base.

For example in common base connection  make base is common with respect to (wrt)emmiter and collector also make base is "negative" wrt to emmiter and "positive" wrt collector due to which junction j1 become forward biased and j2 will be reverse biased. in case npn transitor as n is connected to positive terminal ,so electron will attracted , and holes will be  gather near junctin J1 and on the other hand the minority carrier of p i.e electon will repel due to base is negative and gather near j1 . after some times this junction easily break and recombination occure due to forward biased and very low current flow through base. now most of the holes are deposited across j2 as base is positive wrt collector and electon will be deposited at other end of the  junction j2 because collector is connected  to negative terminal of supply source. at a particular reverse voltage the junction j2 break and current flow to load circuit.

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Generally there are three mode of transistor operation .
1. Common emmiter
2. Common collector.
3. Common base.

For example in common base connection make base is common with respect to (wrt)emmiter and collector also make base is "negative" wrt to emmiter and "positive" wrt collector due to which junction j1 become forward biased and j2 will be reverse biased. in case of pnp transitor as p is connected to positive terminal so electron will attracted and holes will be gather near junctin J1 and on the other hand the minority carrier of p i.e electon will repel due to base is negative and gather near j1 . after some times this junction easily break due to forward biased also recombination occure and very low current flow through base. now most of the holes are deposited across j2 as base is positive wrt collector and electon will be deposited at other end of the junction j2 because collector is connected to negative terminal of supply source. at a particular reverse voltage the junction j2 break and current flow to load circuit.

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