Power Distribution
How much load is required to convert 100 KW Single Phase load to 3 Phase Load?
Vector Group
What is vector group of transformer? Why is it required?
Stator Resistance Range
What is the range of the stator resistance of 3 phase induction motor?
Power Factor Panel
What will happen if 400 KVar Capacitor banks are on in manual mode and there is no load on mains?
Earthing Standards
What is the standard for Cable sizing & Voltage Drop?What is the standard for earthing?
3 Phase Motor
How can we test a 3 phase motor on single phase supply?How can we run a 3 Phase Motor on Single Phase supply for testing?How can we verify of a 3 phase motors' 6 wire & name them a1/a2/a3..b1/b2/b3 and c1/c2/c3 for connecting star delta starter?
Inductive Loads
Why does inductive loads consume KVARs?
Why alternator is operated at lagging power factor?
How alternator responses with changing the load? -
Insulation Resistance Testing
When we apply the DC voltage thro' the digital Megger to test the IR value for cable/motor winding etc., we can see the digital display of the test equipment showing more than the applied voltage (for eg. if we select 500V dc, we can see 526V dc in the display) Why?
Insulation Value
What is the thumb rule for insulation value in bus bars, phase to phase and phase to earth for 11 & 33 kV system?
Corona Effect
What is corona effect ? How this is avoided in transmission?
PF Card Function
A powerplant has 8 gensets operating in grid parallel mode. In one genset sometimes there is pf variation and kvar variation. The plant operates in pf mode. When this variation is observed the load is stable, voltage is also stable, freq and genset speed is also stable. How will you check the functioning of pf card. What shall be the ideal output vdc of the pfc, from there it is input to AVR?
Earthing Resistance
What will be the body impedance of human body>What will be the maximum allowable earthing resistance value?
Power Factor
A powerplant has 8 gensets operating in grid parallel mode. In one genset sometimes there is pf variation and kvar variation. The plant operates in pf mode. When this variation is onbserved the load is stable, voltage is also stable, freq and genset speed is also stable. How will you check the functioning of pf card. What shall be the ideal output vdc of the pfc, from there it is input to avr.
AC line Power Loss
High voltage is traded off for lower current in an AC line transmission. High current would require thicker cables, hence losses. How much can the voltage be increased to have a lower power loss? What is the ratio b/w current and voltage (p = I^2 * R).
Harmonics Deduction
How can we control or deduct harmonics?
Transformer Core Loss
What is core loss in a transformer?
Main Switch
What the name given for to connect the main switch supply to the various appliances?
Vibro Motor Direction of Rotation
Two electrically operated Vibro Motors are fixed in parallel direction in vibrating feeder. What is the direction of both Vibro Motors?
Electrical Engineering Interview Questions