Cum to Meteric Tone
How can we convert Cum to Mt. in calculation of BC, DBM or WMM
Estimate of RCC Concrete Slab
What is the cost estimate for building a 600 sq. ft. RCC Slab, including Sand, Cement, Metal, Steel and Labour?
Concrete Cube Compressive Test
What is the formula for concrete cube compressive test by Accelerated Curring Tank (ACT) method?
Steel quantity by thumb rule
How can we get the steel quantity by thumb rule ? I know that it is 1% for slab and 2-3% for RCC column & beams. If I have 10 Cum RCC work for column & beam then how can we get the steel quantity in kgm or Qntl.?
Theodolite Least Count
What is least count of theodolite?
Grade of PPC cement
Why is the grade of PPC cement is not mentiond or defined as per Indian Standard" IS 1489-1991.
Least Count for Measurement Tape
What is the least count for measurement tape?
Earth Quake Engineering
Which of the following helps Assam type building to remain intact during an earthquake,
(A) RCC bands.
(B) Tie beam.
(C) Frame action.
(D) Footing. -
What is fineness of cement?
What are the type of tests and name of test equipments?
Steel Bar Length
What is the total length of steel bar?
Grade of Cement
Is there any grade for PPC? If not, why?
Concrete and Steel Forumla
What is the formula used to calculate 1. Steel and 2. Concrete
Foundation Recommendation
Do we require any other information other than SPT value for Foundation Recommendation?
Concrete technology
What kind of pump is commonly used in concrete pumping?
Civil Engineering Interview Questions