What is the difference between face left and face right in theodolite surveying?

Questions by yus014u

Showing Answers 1 - 5 of 5 Answers


  • Sep 13th, 2011

When the vertical circle of an instruments is either to the left or the right of the observer while taking a reading, the positions are called as face left and face right.

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mwikwabe chacha

  • May 19th, 2015

face right is when the vertical circle of an instrument is in the right side of the observer and face left is when vertical circle of an instrument is in left side of the observer while taking the readings during survey.

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  • Jul 28th, 2015

Direction of the telescope is such that the vertical circle lies to the left of it we call it Face left and other one is Direction of the telescope is such that the vertical circle lies to the right of it we call it face right

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  • Nov 5th, 2015

Vertical values measuring at the face of left and right angle equal to check

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  • Nov 13th, 2020

Face Right is when the vertical angle of an instrument is in the right of the observer & Face Left is when the vertical angle of an instrument is in the left of the observer while taking the readings

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