Organic Chemistry
Explain What is Organic Chemistry?
Corrosion, Metallic Coating
What is corrosion? Which is the most important material used for metallic coating?
Rechristalization Separate the Dissolved Solids from Aqueous Solution
I have a liquid mixture in a bottle containing different synthetic substances dissolved from their salt forms (i.e. lidocaine hydrochloride, anhydrous caffeine). These compounds are dissolved in distilled water.
So the question is: How can I separate the dissolved solids from the aqueous solution? Can I do it by forming a hydrochloride precipitate by adding some hydrochloric acid? Or, say the... -
Cocurrent and Countercurrent of fluid streams
What are cocurrent and countercurrent of fluid streams?
Thermodynamics Carnot co-efficient of performance (COP)
The Carnot co-efficient of performance (COP) of a domestic air conditioner compared to a household refrigerator is, less or more? Can any one help me out with an explanation...
Solar Cells Decompose Lifetime
We all know Solar cells lifetime is about 20+yrs. How can we be able to decompose the dead solar cells? Is it fully bio-degradable?
Biodegradable Plastics
What is the important properties of biodegradable plastics?
Which properties helps plastics to resist water? -
Storage Tank Design
Why storage tank maximum height is 20m? Where else one can vary diameter of it, yes or no!
What is difference between micro-organisms & micro pollutants?
Standard Hydrogen Electrode
When Standard Hydrogen Electrode is compared with Cu it is first cell and when Standard Hydrogen Electrode is compared with Fe. in first cell which will act as anode or cathode and in 2nd cell which will act as anode or cathode and why?
Unit operations Distillation
What is the effect of pressure in the Distillation Operation? It is also said that when the vapor pressure of the liquid component equals the atmospheric pressure, boiling occurs; can anyone give me an example for this type of Distillation?Thank you
Standard Hydrogen Electrode
When standard hydrogen electrode is compared with Cu and Fe respectively which will act as anode and which will be cathode? and Why?
Green Gases Effects on Temperature
What are green gases? Does water release green gas? How green gas effects on temperature? How is plaster of Paris made? Is combustion is a Unit Operation or Unit Process or nothing?
Coating in Cement Mill Fan and Separator
Why there is coating in cement mill fan and separator ?
Calculate Heating of Natural Gas
How can we calculate heating of natural gas?
Convert the units
In the American Engineering system of units, the viscosity can have units of (lbf)(hr)/ft^2, while in the SI system, the units are (g)/(cm)(s). Convert a viscosity of 20.0 (g)/(m)(s) to the given American Engineering units?
As we know steel making is done in a furnace at very high temperatures, but how is that temperature maintained in a furnace on continuous basis ??
Pressure Purging
please i need some help here
i want to ask a few questions about pressure purge method used for inert a vessel:
1-Does The Material/ Gas inside the vessel affect the purge technique ?
2-What about an inlet natural gas filter ( with elements ), does the element affects the purge ?
3- why in some books when implement the equation to calculate number of purge cycle-... -
Chemical Engineering Interview Questions