Confused about which path I should take?

Myself Manjunath. I am B tech aerospace engineering 2014 pass out. I have tried my best to get job in my domain. But could not get. Finally ended up in IT industry. I joined as manual testing engineer. Now working as Performance testing engineer (Assisting my senior). When i look back i feel very bad. I wanted to work in some field jobs but ended up with desktop jobs. Can you please tell me what are career opportunities for performance testing, courses available to enhance my skills? or is there any better field jobs for my qualifications? What about Bank jobs?

Showing Answers 1 - 2 of 2 Answers

Nitin Mangtani

  • Aug 1st, 2016

Hello Manju,


I am writing this in reply to your question.
As it is very clear that you are not satisfied with your job or some or the other way with the work you do.
Let me make the point very clear though it may sound harsh but basically there exist two categories of people one who end up doing what they don't like to and the later ones who choose to do what they wanted to do.

If you want to peruse your career other than in IT then without any second thought go for it. As there is no second life and no person on the earth can make the same wonderful life that you have expected for yourself other than you.

All I believe is if you have got a dream its you who has got all to preserve it. The ultimate choice would be yours. Just don't wait for the time when you will look back with regrets and dissatisfaction. It is never too late to take the right decision. Either you take the right decision or if you don't you should be able to take decision and make it right.

Still if you face any dilemma think of endless possibilities what you could have become if not in IT.


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