Boundary Analysis Value

Consider an application with two parameters A and B as input. If all inputs are valid, the application returns "Eureka", otherwise it crashes. The equivalence classes are as follows:
Parameter A:
EQ_A1: 0 < A < 10 (valid)
EQ_A1a: A <= 0 (invalid)
EQ_A1b: A => 10 (invalid)
EQ_A2: A is an integer (valid)
EQ_A2a: A is not an integer (invalid)
Parameter B:
EQ_B1: B is element of {X, Y, Z}
EQ_B1b: B is not element of {X, Y, Z}.
Use boundary value analysis to define test cases for the application.
How would tackle such a case?

Questions by networker84

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers


  • Jan 28th, 2012

Sr no. Test case name. Test Procedure. Pre condition. Expected result
1. A_0 Run the app giving Value of B is Application gives error
value 0 for A valid. msg that A is invalid.

2. A_1 Run the app giving Value of B is Applicaation returns
value 1 for A valid. "Eureka".(+ve test case)

3. A_2 Run the app giving Value of B is Application returns
value 2 for A valid. "Eureka"..(+ve test case)

Parameter B can be tested better by equivalence partitioning.
but still tried.

Sr no. Test case name. Test Procedure. Pre condition. expected result
1. B_X Run the app giving Value of A is Application returns
value X for B valid. "Eureka".(+ve test case)

2. B_Z Run the app giving Value of A is Application returns
value Z for B valid. "Eureka".

3. B_W Run the app giving Value of A is Application gives error
value W for B valid. msg that B is invalid.

4. B_A Run the app giving Value of A is Application gives error
value A for B valid. msg that B is invalid.

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  • Jun 1st, 2012

boundary value analysis: consider a set of value or range of value
set of values like 10,20,30,40,50. now we have to test for 9 and 51 for negative values and any of the positive values from set like 10 50 .
range of values like 1000 to 5000 , now we have to test for 99 and 5001 for negative values and for positive values 1000 and 5000 if it works, no need to check for value with in range because we are damp sure that it works.and if the range of values are to difference then go for equivalent partition method.

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