How to create standalone and embedded filters in Cognos Framework Manager?

Questions by kadarla   answers by kadarla

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Framework Manager supports stand-alone filters and embedded

Use a stand-alone filter when you want to reuse the expression.

You can add a stand-alone filter to one or more dimensions or query subjects to limit the data that the query retrieves when the filtered dimension or query subject is used in a report, or you can include it in a package to make it available to your users. By moving a stand-alone filter or a shortcut to it into a folder, you can better organize the model objects.

Use an embedded filter when you want to use a filter with
only one dimension or query subject.

You can create an embedded filter when modifying a dimension, relational data source query subject, or model query subject.

If you start with an embedded filter, you can later convert it into a stand-alone expression that you can apply to other dimensions or query subjects. Tip: Right-click the filter expression in the Filters tab and click Convert to Stand-alone Filter.

When you embed a filter, the data source query subject must
have a relationship to any query subject referenced by the
expression. This relationship is necessary even if the expression references a model query subject based on the same table as the data source query subject in which you are embedding the expression.

To create a filter on an unrelated query subject, do one of
the following:

Ensure that there is a join path between the new query subject and the one that contains the filter.

Base the embedded filter on a query item that is based on the data source query subject you want.

Convert the calculation to a stand-alone filter, so that it is not part of the query subject.

Create a stand-alone filter that references the embedded object.

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