Why the antenna is called passive element?

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  • Oct 3rd, 2012

Device which are not require any external voltage(Biasing) for its operation is called Passive device or Device without junction is called Passive device. Antenna is a without junction device as well as these no external voltage required for its operation. So antenna is a Passive device.

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  • Feb 12th, 2013

It is called a passive element because it does not generate any power on its own,it radiates the input power for transmission of signals

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nishant kumar

  • Sep 15th, 2013

In passive element consume energy is always greater than or equal to zero . in antenna all element are resistor(wire)and it consume energy.while active device produce absolute gain while antenna gain is relative gain so it easy that it is passive element

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utsav singh

  • Oct 12th, 2013

Because it needs some power input to receive signals....

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  • Dec 16th, 2013

because antenna working i flow motion, like you need to create network and then the used to emmite the signal not energy that's why antenna called passive elements

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Rahul yadav

  • Jan 13th, 2014

becoz it cannot be amplify the signal,so this r possess the passive elements.......

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ankush chauhan

  • Jan 25th, 2014

antenna are receive and transmitted the electromagnetic wave .and their two function transmitter and receiver

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brajendra yadav

  • Jan 29th, 2014

antennas are passive element because of working not as a source.

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Jyoti Agrahari

  • Mar 5th, 2014

as we know that inductor,capacitor,resistor are passive component. Receiving and transmitting signal by antenna worked at Faraday law.Even Faraday law applied on inductor so antenna is passive component

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vijay solanki

  • Mar 12th, 2014

Antenna is Passive Element because it doesn't require power to work

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  • Jun 18th, 2014

Passive elements are elements whose characteristics changes according to the voltage applied to it.
for e.g. resistor , resistance of 5 ohm will be 5 ohm even if voltage applied is 5v or 50v.
for e.g. transistor, according to biasing it changes its mode to liner, cut-off & saturation.
So, in this way if we apply less energy to antenna, only the distance covered will be less, but the radiation pattern would be same.

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praveen gupta

  • Jul 1st, 2014

It is a resistive wire or material of conductive metal work as sink hence it is passive element.

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  • Jul 3rd, 2014

since the antenna require external power source for its working therefore it is called passive element

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  • Jul 30th, 2014

A passive element cant generate energy of its own it can only respond or reacts when any active source such as current or voltage sourced is applied to it.

An antenna is a passive element because it itself cant radiates until a wave containing energy in the form of voltage source as the antenna is a transducer it convert sinusoidal and cosinusoidal waves into voltage and current signals and vise versa but. until any type of energy either voltage or current signal is not fed to antenna it cant radiate.

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Neha Pal

  • Sep 5th, 2014

antenna is called passive device bcz active device isn the device which do not require any external power bcz it has a power like stabilizer which is active device, bt in case of antenna this is use bcz of receiving signal from other then broadcast the system

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