How to decrease time running query for report?

Hi All,
My query take long time for running query/report. How to manage time for
running fast report/query?

Questions by wadate   answers by wadate

Showing Answers 1 - 9 of 9 Answers

You have to tune the query,
1.use some parallel hints
2.Check if unnecessary tables are pulled into your query and avoid the joins in structure pan or create context.
3.If its a complex query,created a derived table with some performance tuning and use that in report.

Hope anyone of this point might helped you.


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  • Jul 16th, 2011

Hi, In addition to the above, you may also try the following: (a) If there are very granular objects pulled into the data providers unnecessarily, remove those or else that would lead to retrieving too may records from the Db (b) If you have any common filters across multiple report tabs, try to see if they can be applied to the Data provider/Query to restrict unnecessary data (c) If multiple measures are used in the query, and the different measures can be limited by different filters, try to split the data provider and adjust formula in the report. let me know if I could explain this to you well. Regards, Taniya

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  • Nov 9th, 2011

1.Avoid unnecessary joins
2.using the index key column name in the where clause or where clause comparison on only non clustered columns.
3.Add the required columns instead the *
4.Avoid long transactions it cause the your Query slow
5.use fully Qualified objects
6.use the Execution plan feature tune the Query

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  • Dec 1st, 2011

Check your Sql Query for all Data providers in your report

In Groupby is there any measure you have.

If you have measure objects in groupby then it will take too much time run the report.

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  • Aug 28th, 2012

Query Performance: I would say you should check first SQL and run against directly to the database and note that it is taking the same time to fetching the data.
2) Try to avoid extra prompt in your report which is usually use for running the same value for report. make them optional prompt.
3) check Filters, Are they bring the correct value like.. no Cartesian product...etc

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