Touch phase wire

Can we Touch phase wire in air when we r not touch ground what happens

Questions by dineshkumarsah.mj   answers by dineshkumarsah.mj

Showing Answers 1 - 7 of 7 Answers


  • Jul 14th, 2011

Yes we can touch phase wire in air when we do not touch ground.Because to have flow of current there must be a potential difference.Since we r at equipotential surface(for example 230V ) there is no path for flow of current.Hence we do not get any shock.Also here air acts as dielectric medium considering dry weather conditions.

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  • Jul 15th, 2011

If we touch the Phase wire without touching Ground, no shock will happen if we touch the phase while standing from ground full load transmit toward our body according Current value even death occurs

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  • Jul 17th, 2011

yes , we touch phase wire without touching the ground wire . if we touch only phase wire , no current flowing our body because of circuit is not completed (not a return path to flow the current) . if we touch the both ground & phase wire together then current flowing through our body & death occurs .

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Tarun Aggarwal Ymca

  • Jul 22nd, 2011

This happen because when u touch the phase wire in air although u make a circuit (mean u r in parallel with the current carrying Conductor) but current has a tendency to follow the small resistance path so the Maximum (99.9% (just a guess) will follow through the wire and rest through u ) which is very small so u don't feel any shock but u cannot say no current flow through u because whatever resistance come in the parallel circuit the current divide but the value of the current that follow though each parallel branch inversely proportion to there resistance in the circuit. but its value will be such low no one can say the current is following.

Tarun Aggarwal Ymca

  • Jul 22nd, 2011

only high potential cannot cause flow of current. So, when a Human being touch such a wire, its whole body is at a high potential, but due to the absence of a lower potential, the current cannot flow. We will also not get any shock if suppose we are hanging by that wire. But, we will get a heavy shock as soon as our feet will touch the ground, since it will provide the necessary lower potential.

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When you touch the phase wire in air the current will enter your body but it will have no way to escape or complete the circuit thats why you will not feel the shock...the best example is you might have seen crows sitting on electric wires when they are sitting on a single wire they are safe but when they come in contact with two wire they are tazzed..

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