What is PMI ?what is the use of PMI ?

Questions by kirankumar samudrala   answers by kirankumar samudrala

Showing Answers 1 - 4 of 4 Answers

Suresh B

  • Jan 17th, 2012

The PMI in websphere 6.1 only enables to access the metrics data only after server startup .

• Is there any way to monitor the PMI stats during server startup other than creating a custom MBean.

• My application initializes database data during server startup with sharable datasource connection and it hangs during initialization very often .


  • Apr 28th, 2014

PMI -Performance monitoring Interface
IBM web sphere uses a tivoli monitoring interface to monitor the application servers and nodeagent

Monitoring and Tuning->Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) -> nodeagent check on Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI)

then1 go to
Monitoring and Tuning->Performance Viewer(Tivoli Performance Viewer)-> check on server or nodeagent and start monitoring (note :- make sure that nodeagent and server are started)

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