Object Repository

What is Object Repository? How many ways it has Categorized? State the Difference? With Example?

Questions by somasekharnaidu

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Object repository is the place where QTP stores the objects learned during recording with the properties to uniquely identifies the object during run. These objects are known as Test Object.

OR is of two types and by default the OR created by QTP is Local OR which is available only to the specific test
1) Local OR
2) Shared OR

Object Repository is a term frequently used in QTP which is an automation testing tool.

Object Repository contains of items which can be a click button, a web-edit field, etc. i.e. which QTP identifies as objects.

There are two types of object repositories:
1) Local Object Repositories
2) Shared Object Repositories

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  • May 22nd, 2012

Hi there

Repository is the place where we keep something and when require we can take back those things.

Likewise Object repository is a place in QTP tool where test objects are stored while recording.QTP uses Object identification properties to learn the objects. These objects are called test objects, it cab be a web edit,link,web button etc. Once the object is stored QTP finds these objects from Object Repository while play back.

There are two types of Object repository
1.) Local Object repository : The objects in local object repository can not be used in different actions or tests
2.) Shared Object Repository : The objects in shared object repository can be used in different actions or tests


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  • Jun 18th, 2012

Object Repository is nothing but a storage of all the objects, where all the objects with their functionality are stored.

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