Bind Parameters

What are the important bind parameters to be used in bind card? What is the significance of each parameter?

Questions by bhima123

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  • Jan 8th, 2011

A DB2 bind is a process that builds an access path to DB2 tables.  
A plan is an executable module containing the access path logic produced by the Db2 optimizer.

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The bind parameters are generally generic the most important is isolation level which is always CS and sometimes UR if you want to rock right thru.

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I will say the Answer Depends barring a few parameters which are mostly used.

1) ISOLATION -> Isolation Level to decide level of locking used along with LOCK parameters on

the DB2 objects.
2) ACQUIRE -> When to acquire high level locks , ALLOCATE (when plan is allocated at run time)

or USE (when the first SQL is encountered at run time during Execution)

3) RELEASE - > When to release locks, DEALLOCATE (when program terminates) or COMMIT (when

explicit COMMIT is taken or if not taken, then at program termination, except for a CURSOR


4) VALIDATE -> when to validate authorization and table constraints, BIND - at BIND time,

RUN=> at run time

5) QUALIFIER => Table QUalifer when using UnQualfied embedded SQL - which is recommended

6) OWNER = > The DB2 User/ID/Group which has appropriate table authorizations and BIND

authorizations to create the Access path (plan/package)

7) EXPLAIN -> (YES/NO -> if you want the DB2 to store information about the access path

generated by the DB2 optimizer in OWNER.PLAN_TABLE then YES, or NO)

8) PACKAGELIST -> Used when Plan is created and is used to relate to one or more Packages,so

that when a Package is re-bound due to some changes, Plan doesnt need to be re-bound again

9) MEMBER -> the program/module name which is to be bound, or whose DBRM is to be bound to

create the Plan/Package

10) -> LIBRARY , the PDS directory name where the DBRM used during BIND is located

11) -> FLAG (E/C/W/I/) -> Level of messages to be displayed as a result of BIND,

e.g. Warning, Information, Critical, Error, etc.. FLAG(I) Information displays all messages,
and if FLAG(E) is used, only Error messages if encountered during BIND are displayed

In some installations,where online regions (CICS/ DB2 Stored Procedures) are used, they also

use the below parameter

ENABLE/DISABLE -> e.g. ENABLE(BATCH) -> Enable only batch and disable program execution in

CICS or ONline Mode

ENABLE(CICS) or ENABLE(CICS1,CICS2). etc. will enable module execution only in listed CICS

regions or all regions if CICS is mentioned

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