Content Store and Content Manager.

Hi Friends
What is main difference between content store and content manager?
Give me one example for these related ?

Questions by sreenu007   answers by sreenu007

Showing Answers 1 - 12 of 12 Answers


  • Nov 23rd, 2010

Content Store is the database where all cognos stuff is saved. i.e. reports packages etc. It can be any DB.

While content manager is a service that coordinates with your content store.


  • Nov 29th, 2010

Content store is a relational database and much of the information is stored as binary large object (BLOB) fields. Content manager uses JDBC to access content store Content Manager, stores information in the content store RDBMS. Content Manager writes to the content store using proper relational transactions.

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Content Store:It's a Database belong to Cognos, storage of all the reports, schedules, published packages, everything you see in the Cognos connection portal. In short, a store house of web Cognos contents.

Content Manger:The Cognos 8 service that manages the storage of customer applications, including application-specific security, configuration data, models, metrics, reports, and report output. Content Manager is needed to publish models, retrieve or store report specifications, manage scheduling information, and manage the Cognos namespace.

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Content store is nothing but repositary which can store metadate when package published, logfiles.
Content Manger: The Cognos 8 service that manages the storage of customer applications including application-specific security configuration data models metrics reports and report output.

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  • Jul 24th, 2011

The content store is a relational database that contains data that IBM Cognos 8 needs to operate, such as report specifications, published models, and the packages that contain them; connection information for data sources; information about the external namespace, and the Cognos namespace itself; and information about scheduling and bursting reports. The relational database can be Cognos Content Database or another supported database.

Design models and log files are not stored in the content store.

IBM Cognos 8 includes the IBM Cognos Content Database as a default content store. You can use the IBM Cognos Content Database as your content store, or you can use other databases, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, IBM DB2, or Sybase.

The IBM Cognos 8 service that uses the content store is named Content Manager.

Content Manager uses a JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity) API to access the content store and metric stores. IBM Cognos 8 comes with the JDBC drivers for IBM Cognos Content Database and MS SQL Server. If you are using Oracle, IBM, or Sybase databases, ensure you obtain the appropriate JDBC drivers.

IBM Cognos 8 does not publish the content store schema, but updates the schema periodically, isolating changes from the user through stable user interfaces and APIs.

Much of the information in the content store, such as report results and XML report specifications, is stored as binary large object (BLOB) fields.

PDF results are compressed from creation, to storage, to serving, to the browser. The PDF format does not allow the main body of a report to be compressed, but the page contents, fonts, and images are compressed. Adobe Acrobat Reader uncompresses PDF files at view time.

Report results in other formats, such as HTML, XML, and CSV (comma separated values), are stored in compressed form and are uncompressed by Content Manager before they are sent to a user.

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A content store is a data base which stores the meta data of the reports.when we publish the project from framework manager it will save in the content store.
It is configured in database layer.
content manager is a service which is available in
dispatcher. which it manages the security. It contains the access manager. It is configured in Application server.

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