What are the data types in oracle?

Questions by sugat

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Oct 10th, 2010

Hi Sugat,

For answer of your question, I start with little basic definition:

Its a collection of information, preferably related and organized.

And that information get stored through means of database object "Tables", which consists of Rows(Records,Tuples) and columns(Fields,Attributes).

Now here comes your question, DATA TYPE.
Every columns stores some specific type of data, that can be number,character,date etc.
Ex: NAME column should have name in characters, so its data type must be character type. That means NAME column is of charater datatype, will hold only value that is character.

Hope it willl help you.

Gtalk-: ankurlibra

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In SQL, there are mainly varchar2, char, number, date...then each of them has subtypes like number has integer, real etc..

website gives all details:

For SQL datatypes refer:

PL/SQL datatypes refer:

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