Connectivity Troubleshooting

A user in a corporate network contacts service desk saying he/she has lost network connectivity: How will you troubleshoot the issue? What are the steps to followed?

Questions by kalahari

Editorial / Best Answer

Anele Takane  

  • Member Since Jan-2011 | Jan 6th, 2011

1. Check the cable if it is connected to the workstation/ notebook and if it is receiving signal from the switch.

2. Check using the command "ipconfig" to confirm the IP range that the user's machine is in if it is using APIPA address, This will mean the machine can not reach the DHCP server and if the user has an assigned static address try pinging the gateway, DNS,Proxy Server or one of the Domain Controllers.

3. If all pinged replies successfully check to see the proxy settings through Lan Settings on your Browser.

4. Depending on the structure of your corporate network you might need to check the mac address (of the user's workstation) on the cisco switches (if used) to find out which VLan is it in and move it to the correct VLan.

Showing Answers 1 - 27 of 27 Answers

1. Check the cable if it is connected to the workstation/ notebook and if it is receiving signal from the switch.

2. Check using the command "ipconfig" to confirm the IP range that the user's machine is in if it is using APIPA address, This will mean the machine can not reach the DHCP server and if the user has an assigned static address try pinging the gateway, DNS,Proxy Server or one of the Domain Controllers.

3. If all pinged replies successfully check to see the proxy settings through Lan Settings on your Browser.

4. Depending on the structure of your corporate network you might need to check the mac address (of the user's workstation) on the cisco switches (if used) to find out which VLan is it in and move it to the correct VLan.

Manohar M

  • Feb 29th, 2012

First u go to Local Area Connection. check ip add, Mac add, Gateway and proper DNS is there or not..then if u have a connection from D-Link then u first check network is comming to D-link or not..and sometimes Antivirus blocks the network..

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1: First check all cables are connected properly.
2: If yes than check LAN setting that ip, gateway and dns are correct.
3: If yes than check with the command ping from cmd.
4: If its working than disconnect all cables and check again and restart modem.
5: If still it doesn't work than restart computer.

Javed Khan

  • Apr 16th, 2012

Check LAN Cable
check ip address
check firewall setting
than ping ip , gateway and dns


  • May 2nd, 2012

If the user getting limited connectivity(APIPA ip address)..We need to check with the
ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew commands

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  • Jul 26th, 2012

If you're getting an error message limited activity by right clicking on the connectivity icon on the task bar, use ipconfig /release then ipconfig /renew commands refresh the desktop and check. If the issue still persists, power off the router, switch it on after 10-20 seconds, wait for a minute and try again. It should work fine. You can check the IPV4 or IPV6 configuration as well and check proxy settings.

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  • Aug 2nd, 2012

!st check thee cable...and immediate click on network connectivity...go to run cmd den ipconfig /release then..ipconfig /renew den refresh2 to 3 times on should works...

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wahid turab

  • Nov 5th, 2014

Check IP address
Check the sweet cable or LAN cable
Check firewall
Check proxy
Or restart the system

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First Check LAN cable
Check if other systems are connecting to Network
From command prompt use ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew
Also Use PING command and test
If all the above fails then Shutdown and Restart the system and try

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  • Nov 21st, 2014

1.Check Lan cable
2. Check ip address series to another & also check windows firewall.
3.Ping Loop Back address & Check Motherboard Lan port working or not.

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  • Dec 23rd, 2014

Check Lan Cable
Check wether LAn Card is enabled or not?
Check the Ip address
if it ha ARPA address release the ip address by using comman ipconfig /release and renew by using IPaddress /renew
still not connecting may be DHCP serve is down
try to give static IP address that may resolve (testing purpose)

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  • Oct 15th, 2015

Try contacting your computers or corporate network for help if you are sill in trouble then contact your local network services

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