Team Lead involve himself in Testing

Should a team lead involve himself in testing when he is available? Will it downgrade his/her position before the fellow team members?

Questions by nsaravanababu

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Apr 25th, 2010

You should involve in testing the application by yourself. Because, at the end you will be responsible for code developed by your team/team member. If you are not in development then testing the app will give you one more avenue to know what was done in the back-end.

This (testing) noway degrades your job, depending on howmuch effort you are putting on testing the app, prior to the code goes to QA.

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Very much, but only till the level "you understand what is happening in your team".
If you go more than that, then probably you are not a lead but a helper :)

You should be able to judge what your subordinate has performed in the last 6 months when you sit as an appraiser.

One of the roles of the TL is to calculate / forsee the relative risks for your team because I feel that is the only thing that makes him run about here and there everytime. Also giving the results for the tests and tracking the milestone for the coverage done everytime is not a joke.

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To be limited. like if your manager want this to be done in 10 min (before lunch time or before the end of the day) and you don't have any resources available then just to please your manager work. But if the work have sufficient time wait for the tester to come back to work (either after lunch or next day) as one member to work on this at your earliest by giving a pause to your current work.


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