What is PCC? Why it is used below foundation? What is water cement ratio for it? What is a purpose of PCC?

Questions by nishaj05

Showing Answers 1 - 50 of 50 Answers


  • May 22nd, 2010

PCC is Plain Cement Conrete!  Water cement ratio is the amount of water added to cement.  It depends upon grade of concrete for example m20 -0.55,m25-0.5.
It is directly propotional to workability and inversely to strength.

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  • May 24th, 2010

After the process of excavation, laying of plain cement concrete that is PCC is done. A layer of 4 inches was made in such a manner that it was not mixed with the soil. It provides a solid base for the raft foundation and a mix of 1:5:10 that is, 1 part of cement to 5 parts of fine aggregates and 10 parts of coarse aggregates by volume were used in it. Plain concrete is vibrated to achieve full compaction. Concrete placed below ground should be protected from falling earth during and after placing. Concrete placed in ground containing deleterious substances should be kept free from contact with such a ground and with water draining there from during placing and for a period of seven days. When joint in a layer of concrete are unavoidable, and end is sloped at an angle of 30 and junctions of different layers break joint in laying upper layer of concrete. The lower surface is made rough and clean watered before upper layer is laid.

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ganesh k verma

  • Sep 15th, 2011

Pcc - Primary cement concrete, Means Lean Concrete. It is most important thing. It should be done before Rafting, Brickwork, or c c work. it is too necessary for RCC ,Masonry Brick work Etc.....

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Biswajit Nandi

  • Oct 1st, 2011

P.C.C means Plain Cement Concrete. When any foundatin is build on the earth level or below earth level, it needs a strong platfrom to stand foundation so P.C.C is done.

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  • Dec 25th, 2012

PCC is the mixture of the concrete and soil

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rupali anjikhane

  • Jan 19th, 2013

PCC is the plain cement concrete. Generally prepared by mixing of cement, water and sand. Which is provided below flooring, foundation, at the base of water tank, etc.,

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Aravinda Reddy.G

  • Jan 28th, 2013

1)PCC means Plain Cement Concrete.
2) It acts as a bed on which footing rests & also to distribute the load uniformily.
3) Since the footing can not be rested directly on soil.

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  • Feb 4th, 2013

1.Pcc stands for Plain Cement Concrete.

2.It is used below foundation to make the surface hard on which foundation rest.

3 The main used of PCC to make surface hard and then laid a waterproofing layer so it also water resistant base for foundation.

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  • Feb 8th, 2013

1. plain cement concrete
2. water cement ratio is 0.45
3.it is used to make like slab,terrace

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  • Mar 7th, 2013

The answer which was given by Mr G. Sindhars 3 point is wrong i think because pcc have only compression strength and in condition of slab we need tensile strength so we provided steel and we know that concrete have 10% tensile strength of compression so we cant use pcc in slab.

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shashank tyagi

  • Mar 12th, 2013

the only reason PCC is used below footing is to avoid the base of footing to come into direct contact with the sub surface.

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  • Apr 30th, 2013

PCC means plain cement concrete . In this concrete reinforcement should be not provided. This are used by level the rough ground surface.

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mohammed najeeb ansari

  • Jun 6th, 2013

PCC means Plain Cement Concrete. w/c ratio depends on grade of concrete . the main purpose it is used below foundation is to successfully transmit load from superstructure to the sub surface in a balanced manner and to provide cushion between foundation and subsurface.

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sachin kumar

  • Jun 8th, 2013

1- Plain Cement Concrete
2- It is water cement ratio according to Grade, as M-10(.75), -15(.65)
3- It is used to foundation, raft for compressive strength and strong platform.
4- PCC thickness is according to wet. Well it is thickness is min. 4" max 12"

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  • Oct 8th, 2013

In foundations ,PCC is just protection for rcc structure

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B.Mohamed mansoor

  • Nov 3rd, 2013

1- Plain Cement Concrete
2- It is water cement ratio according to THE Grade, as M-10(.75), -15(.65)
3- It is used to foundation of load distribution and strong platform.
4- PCC thickness is according to wet. Well it is thickness is min. 75 mm, max 100

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  • Dec 19th, 2013

portland cement concrete

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Md.Nesar Uddin (PowerPac,Bangladesh)

  • Jan 9th, 2014

1.PCC means Plain Cement Concrete, Water Cement Ratio is 1:3:6. 1 part of Cement 3 part of Fine aggregate & 6 part of Coarse aggregate.This (PCC) use of plain surface for the Foundation laying.

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naresh sonwane

  • Mar 27th, 2016

PCC = Plain Cement Concrete
It is used below foundation to make plane surface over the soil or placing of footing and net of footing it also prevent direct contact of concrete to soil to absorb water from concrete.

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  • Nov 15th, 2016

PCC means Portland Concrete Cement

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  • Mar 2nd, 2017

PCC is formally known as Plain Cement Concrete which is used in the foundation before starting the structure, the structure in foundation should be used stoned for bearing the over load of super structure than brick.

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Abhijeet Ravindra Undre

  • Mar 4th, 2017

PCC is known as Plain Cement Concrete, which is made up of only Cement Fine-Aggregates, Coarse-Aggregates, and Water.
PCC bed is provided below foundation because it provides uniform/ plain surface for RCC work of Foundation as well as it acts as impermeable membrane for Ground water table.

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  • Mar 25th, 2017

When we directly lay the foundation into the soil bed the effective depth may differ due undulations hence PCC bed is provided for a level surface.

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Shubham shewale

  • May 9th, 2017

My question is why concrete grade of PCC is less than the concrete grade of footing?

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