Produce a List of 5 Highest Revenue Transactions

You need to produce a list of the five highest revenue transactions from the Orders table in the Sales database. The Orders table is defined as follows:

SalesPersonID Int NOT NULL,
RegionID Int NOT NULL,
OrderDate Datetime NOT NULL,
OrderAmount Int NOT NULL )

Which statement will produce the report correctly?

a. SELECT TOP 5 OrderAmount, SalesPersonID FROM orders
b. SELECT TOP 5 OrderAmount, SalesPersonID FROM orders ORDER BY OrderAmount DESC
c. SELECT TOP 5 WITH TIES OrderAmount, SalesPersonID From Orders
d. SELECT TOP 5 WITH TIES OrderAmount, SalesPersonID From Orders ORDER BY OrderAmount

Questions by rakeshchhapare

Showing Answers 1 - 18 of 18 Answers


  • Feb 8th, 2010

SELECT salespersonid, orderamount FROM orders WHERE orderamount IN
(SELECT orderamount FROM orders ORDERBY orderamount DESC) WHERE rownum<=5

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  • Jul 28th, 2010

From the answers to choose the following would be right I guess.

d. SELECT TOP 5 WITH TIES OrderAmount, SalesPersonID From Orders ORDER BY OrderAmount

The SQL would go like this i guess

SELECT OrderID, SalesPersonID, RegionID, OrderDate, OrderAmount,
      (ORDER BY OrderAmount Desc NULLS LAST) AS Rank,
      (ORDER BY OrderAmount Desc NULLS LAST) AS Drank
   FROM Emp
   ORDER BY OrderAmount Desc NULLS LAST;

The difference between RANK() and DENSE_RANK() is that RANK() leaves gaps in the ranking sequence when there are ties. for example if 'A' and 'B' tie for second place lets say amount $1,500 and 'C' with $1000 as order amount would be in third place using DENSE_RANK() but only fourth place using RANK():

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Select  * From


            Row_Number() Over (Order By OrderAmount Desc) Seq
            OrderDetails A
Where Seq<=5

Note: We can also use "RANK() or DENSE_RANK()" function also in place of Row_NUmber().

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Both the queries should work .

 select * from (select last_name,salary,row_number() over(order by salary desc ) "Rank" from employees) where rownum < 6

select last_name,salary from (select last_name,salary,rownum rn  from employees order by salary desc) where rownum< 6

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  • Nov 25th, 2010

insert into orders values(101,12301,11,sysdate,1000);
insert into orders values(102,12302,12,sysdate,500);
insert into orders values(103,12303,13,sysdate,1700);
insert into orders values(104,12304,14,sysdate,23100);
insert into orders values(105,12305,15,sysdate,3100);
insert into orders values(106,12306,16,sysdate,111);
insert into orders values(107,12307,17,sysdate,55);
insert into orders values(108,12308,18,sysdate,1001);
insert into orders values(109,12309,19,sysdate,10000);
insert into orders values(110,12310,20,sysdate,1900);
insert into orders values(111,12311,21,sysdate,1900);
insert into orders values(112,12312,22,sysdate,3100);


a. SELECT TOP 5 OrderAmount, SalesPersonID FROM orders
b. SELECT TOP 5 OrderAmount, SalesPersonID FROM orders ORDER BY OrderAmount DESC
c. SELECT TOP 5 WITH TIES OrderAmount, SalesPersonID From Orders
d. SELECT TOP 5 WITH TIES OrderAmount, SalesPersonID From Orders ORDER BY

1) select orderamount,salespersonid, row_number() over(order by orderamount
desc) rank from (SELECT OrderAmount,SalesPersonID FROM orders order by
orderamount desc) y where rownum <= 5;

2) select orderamount,salespersonid, x rank from (SELECT
OrderAmount,SalesPersonID, rank() over(order by orderamount desc) x FROM orders)
y where x <=5;

3) select orderamount,salespersonid, x rank from (SELECT
OrderAmount,SalesPersonID, dense_rank() over(order by orderamount desc) x FROM
orders) y where x <=5;

For a,b - refer to 1
For c,d - can be done in 2 different ways as in 2 & 3

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A List of 5 Highest Revenue Transactions

select * from (SELECT OrderID,
SalesPersonID, RegionID, OrderDate, OrderAmount,
over(partition by ORDERID
order by OrderAmount desc) "TOP Transactions"
from orders)
where "TOP Transactions"<=5;

or Find below query

select * from ( select ename,sal,empno,
over(partition by deptno
order by sal desc) "top"
from emp)
where "top"<=5


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