LoadRunner Roles and Responsbilities

What are the Performance Tester Roles and Responsbilities (Using Loadrunner)

Questions by sryaramaka

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There won't be load runner roles and responsibilities.

It is the roles of performance enginer and there won't be difference between the roles what ever tool you use for performance testing.

Resposibilities may vary from one tool to another tool, it's depends upon the limitations of the tool you use (for suppose if use Jmeter you can monitor all the counters as it won't support like load runner, so you have the more responsibilities when you use load runner).

Responisibilities for 2 or 3 years of exp in performance testing:

1) Requirement gathering nothing but metric to be achived (called SLA: Service Level Aggrement), some client may not give this requirement, in that case we have to consider as per industrial standards.

2) Identify the functional scenarios to do performance testing

3) Build the envioronment for performance testing

4) Prepare Test Plan - You can get about this from any where other wise post a question I will reply

5) Create the Test Script ( Vuser script) , assuming that Test Data is ready

6) Create teh performance scenario ( in LR creating scenario in Controller)

7) Do a Perfromance smoke testting

8) Execute the scenario

9) Analyse the result

10) If the req not met ask developers for performance tuning

11) If the req met perpare Performance Report.

This You can call it as performace life cycle.

I hope this is the answer for question.

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  • Jul 18th, 2011

what the exact need of the client who given total details of the business.

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