Efficient Sorting Method

If we add a element to the last of a sorted sequence. Then which of the sorting method will be most efficient to sort the new sequence?

Questions by mansinghhansda   answers by mansinghhansda

Showing Answers 1 - 6 of 6 Answers


  • Jan 15th, 2010

The insertion sort method could be used. The algorithm will compare the extra entry with each element in the array to find its right position and then it will insert the extra element there.

The run time for this will be O(n)

I think radix sorting would be more perfect in case of large sequence of elements as because it will reduce the no. of elements to be compared to a minimal. As it goes on to check the inserted element wid the center of the sequence and rules out the half part of the sequence which is greater or smaller and then again it works in the similar way till we get the exact position for the inserted element.

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  • Jul 9th, 2010

It depends on the date struct to store the sequence.
The answer for array or linked list will be different.

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