Trend Analysis

What is trend analysis? How is it used in software testing? Provide three specific examples.

Questions by kurtz182   answers by kurtz182

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Trend Analysis is collection of data, past and present to help predict the future. or based on the data/ trend trying to draw conclusions, which may be used to increase profits/reduce defects etc.

We can plot trend of the defects classified as functiona, integration and system testing issues/defecst. This will help in knowing the cause for the delays/rework. Lets assume integration has higest defects, then we can concentrate on the integration issues and convey the development team to look for the integration.

We can also plot the defects/bugs like functional issue, environment issues, traceability issues and plan or concentrate more on the issues that have uptrend and warn the developers about the issues, so that they can take care of the same and avoid the cycle time.

As we go on with various rounds of testing we will have decreasng trend which helps us know that the product/SW is becoming stable and estimate the future course of action like resources, schedule, effort needed.

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