Automated Testing

When should you use an automated testing?

Questions by mathan_vel   answers by mathan_vel

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  • Member Since Nov-2009 | Dec 20th, 2009

Automated testing is best performed:

1) When a product has enough value to a company to warrant it

2) When a product has a long enough life cycle to warrant it

3) When it directly helps your project's speed, coverage, risk mitigation and development nimbleness

4) When it is relatively simple to implement

5) When requirements are stable and not apt to change

6) On components that are mission-critical

7) On components that have failed and are apt to fail again

8) On components that are self-contained

9) On components that are scriptable

10) On components that require little maintenance

Showing Answers 1 - 10 of 10 Answers

Automated testing is best performed:

1) When a product has enough value to a company to warrant it

2) When a product has a long enough life cycle to warrant it

3) When it directly helps your project's speed, coverage, risk mitigation and development nimbleness

4) When it is relatively simple to implement

5) When requirements are stable and not apt to change

6) On components that are mission-critical

7) On components that have failed and are apt to fail again

8) On components that are self-contained

9) On components that are scriptable

10) On components that require little maintenance


  • Jan 10th, 2011

Automation Testing can be initated and planned in two scenarios.
One for the Agile development mode.
Other for the Stabilised Modules just for the Regression activity to be
performed as and when the need arises.

For Regression Testing its very simple and normally we donot face much of a challenge to execute the scripted features, as theya re already in production and not much of changes are expected to be encountered.

However when speaking of the Agile mode , its a bit tricky to move forwards as if there be  a minor developement discuipline lagging , the trick would just not work out. Agile is where in the complete product is minutely modularised, and if we fiollow the same approach while scripting, Automation testing would definitely result a great deal of ROI.

Trick is highly modularised scripting, making one small functionality as much possible independent of other one, and at the same time scripting scenarios not on the basis of Test Cases but more on events.  For example Keep a single click button script and parameterise the Submit button's properties as per the captured property in various pages. This way it works ouyt very well.
you can try some links below and suggest if anything more I could put up on my blog as below that can help us understand and explore more on the same :


  • Jan 12th, 2011

When the test case are testing regularly and the occurance of this test scenario is frequently using based on this the test manager will go for the automating this test... and based on resources also we will prefer automation testing.

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