Testing Difficulty

Which of the situations below make systems more difficult to test?
A. The requirements/specifications are unclear.
B. Testers were not involved in the review of the requirements.
C. The software provides little information about its internal state.
D. The software is so complex, it is difficult to calculate the expected results correctly.
E. All of the above.

Questions by mathan_vel   answers by mathan_vel

Showing Answers 1 - 8 of 8 Answers

One of the most difficult fact is
A. Requirements are not clear. In such a case it is very difficult to test a software.
Others scenarios can not impact much on testing as a good tester can manage after reading the documents and have a necessary KT's from concerned persons.

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The correct answer is A) The requirements/specifications are unclear.

B) is not correct because testers are rarely involved in the review of the requirements.

C) is not correct because it is the nature of software to provide little information about its internal state.

D) is not correct because requirements would describe in enough detail what the expected results should be, no matter how complex the software is.

Because B) through D) are not correct, then E) is obviously not correct as well.

A) is the only reasonable answer.

Answer) A. The requirements/specifications are unclear. is correct

B. Testers were not involved in the review of the requirements. (No Review is needed for the well known Application)
C. The software provides little information about its internal state. (Internal state is not neccesary once the functionality is well-known)
D. The software is so complex, it is difficult to calculate the expected results correctly. (What ever the software is too complex, different method is to evaluate the desired expected result)
E. All of the above.

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